Monday, May 11, 2015

When I look back on my passion project, I think I spent my time productively and enjoyably. Even though Nic bailed on the presentation, I felt like he contributed a lot to the final product. I'm sure the beach was fun. My 20% Time, on the other hand, was a complete success.

20% Time

            Whenever I began my passion project back in November, I was unsure of how I would devote my time. I tossed around the ideas of learning how to play guitar or how to speak Spanish. I eventually decided on creating an exercise regimen that would help me achieve one of my life’s athletic goals: dunking a basketball. However, while trying out for spring track, I suffered a hip injury that would keep me out of all athletics for the rest of the year. Wondering what I’d do for 20% of my time, I asked one of my peers, Nic Owen, if I could help him with his passion project: creating a sport and playing it with our classmates.

            After about a month of working together, we had created LanZu (Mandarin Chinese for “foot-basket”), a combination of football and basketball. We developed rules, basic principles, and played the game with our classmates. Although I didn’t come up with the idea for the project, I felt proud of the few things I did contribute, like the addition and clarification of several aspects and rules of the sport.

I learned to cooperate and compromise on some of the rule changes, as well as how to organize people and dates when we were faced with scheduling conflicts. I also learned how to develop original ideas, as well as those of my peers. Although I was learning on a small scale, I felt like I gained valuable experience that could be used for any future projects or problems that come my way.

I felt like I accomplished a lot during the collaboration, but I’m disappointed that I didn’t complete my original goals. I would have enjoyed being able to better myself and measure my own progress, but helping a peer achieve his own goals was just as rewarding. I feel like I spent 20% of my year productively and enjoyably, even though the end result wasn’t the one for which I had planned.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Our class played LanZu in the school gym last Friday. It was a complete success! Our classmates participated in the game and took pictures, while Nic and I acted as referees. Now, all we have to do is present the information we gathered from playing the game in our presentation on May 8th. We will present said information on a power point, as well as a tri-fold poster board. We plan to go over the process of creating and developing the game, playing the game, and the obstacles we faced along the way. I will also explain my unique circumstances, how my involvement in and affect on the project came about, and my assessment on how I spent 20% of my time. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

After working with Nic on developing the basics of LanZu, we have set an official date for the first game to be played. On Friday, April 24th, our class will be divided into two teams (led by Caleb Kariuki and Nathan Vaughn) and play LanZu in the school gym. We will film and take notes on the game, both of which we will use in our presentation on May 8th. So far, the project has been a complete success.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Recently, I began physical therapy at a local clinic. My therapist informed me that I would make a full recovery in about two months. Until then, I won't be fully athletically able. So, instead of making an exercise regimen and improving my vertical height and dash speed, I will be working with one of my peers, Nic Owen, on his project. Our goal is to create a sport and play a game of said sport with our classmates. I will continue to upload about our project over the next few weeks.

Friday, February 27, 2015

I have refrained from posting over the last two weeks because I have been unable to make progress in my project. Achieving my goal requires that I be healthy. Two weeks ago, I irritated the growth plate connected to my upper right quadriceps while running track. My doctor expects me to make a full recovery in four-to-five weeks. Until then, I will continue to refrain from posting on my blog.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

After a few weeks of considering what kind of project would truly allow me to pursue my passions, I have developed the following plan

          20% Time Project Proposal 

Name: Luke Bryant
Project Title: Athletic Development
Project Start Date: November 19th, 2014
Project Completion Date: May 17th, 2015
Mentor’s Name: Coach Spencer; Coach Harris; Father; Online Sources
Brief Description: I am going to greatly develop my athletic skills over the short period of a few months.

Overview of Project Proposal

1)      Project Objective:

The end goal of my training is to be able to run a 4.8 second 40-yard dash and reach a 18-20 inch vertical jump.
2)      Project Rationale:

Personal health should always be on the mind of an athlete. Training my athletic abilities will greatly benefit my health as well as my focus and determination.  

3)      Project Steps:

1.)    Devise a list of training exercises and routines.

2.)    Organize a training schedule.

3.)    Train.

4.)    Record results and work towards reaching goals.    

4)      Timeline of Activities:

 January-May—train, record, (upon conclusion) present 

5)      Available Human and Material Resources:

Coaches, family, training equipment.
6)      Possible Road Blocks:
It is unlikely that I will fail to reach my goals, and therefore it is unlikely that any roadblocks--like lack of time or a training area--will affect me.

7)      Research Questions:

Where will I train?

How will I train?

How will I present my progress?

What will I have learned upon completion of the project?

I am sure that I will be able to complete the project in the allotted amount of time and gain valuable experience while doing so.